Scrappage Policy: How your old car will not become scrap metal

The Scrappage Policy is due to arrive in the next fortnight. We tell you all about what will happen to old cars and how you can save yours.

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Scrappage Policy: How your old car will not become scrap metal
Cars over 20 years of age will be allowed to ply on roads. However they will have to pass stringent fitness tests.

In Short

  • Scrappage Policy is expected to be a voluntary move.
  • Age limit of private vehicles increased from 15 to 20 years.
  • Benefits to come for those opting for the scheme.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has announced a voluntary vehicle scrapping policy to phase out old and unfit vehicles. According to the Minister, this will not only help reduce pollution, but also reduce India’s fuel import bills. However there is more to the policy than just this. You can read all about the benefits of the Scrappage Policy and we also tell you how it is not a compulsory move and that you can retain your old car. But there is more to it than just retaining your old car. It has to be fit enough to comply with norms among other compulsions. We tell you what is going to be the road ahead like. According to the Union Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari, there are 51 lakh light motor vehicles which are over 20 years old in India. At the same time, there are 17 lakh commercial vehicles in India which are over 15 years and run without a valid fitness certificate. These vehicles according to the minister are the major cause of vehicular pollution in our country. Now it is not that each and every vehicle here is a threat to the environment. Many of these vehicles include high end cars which comply to most norms even today and then there are older cars with very little clicks on the odo. These cars can be deemed fit to be on the road and should pass tests easily.


Scrappage Policy: Fitness Tests

At the moment cars which are over 15 years old need to go through a test. This in India is called the ‘CF’ or Certificate of Fitness test. This test happens at local RTOs and is carried out by officials. The test requires the vehicle to have mechanical fitness. The checks include the operation of lights, indicators, brake lights, brakes, suspension and body among others. Unfortunately in our country the test is subjective in nature and many vehicles pass them without worry. However things are going to change now. The MoRTH is going to establish automated systems which will check operation of vehicles. These modern machines will be pre-calibrated and hence should ensure that only those vehicles truly fit re given a certificate.

Scrappage Policy: Costs of retaining old vehicles

According to sources retaining 20 year old vehicles or more will come at a cost. The government we hear is going to impose a ‘Green Tax’. The tax will vary according to areas. So a person renewing a 20 year old car in Delhi NCR which is more polluted in general will probably have to pay more Green Tax as compared to someone in renewing a similar car in say Coimbatore for example. Apart from the Green Tax owners will have to pay for the fitness test as well. However all cars deemed fit will be free to ply across the country including Delhi NCR.

Vintage and classic vehicles will get special treatment.

Scrappage Policy: What happens to vintage cars and bikes

According to sources the same will be applied to vintage and classic cars and bikes. However considering these special cars come on roads rather few times every year, the taxes imposed on them could be a little less. Initially we also heard that these vehicles will be given a special ‘heritage’ number plate. But that will only be confirmed once the ministry announces the complete Scrappage Policy.

ALSO READ | Scrappage policy will lead to new investment of Rs 10,000 crore, create 50,000 jobs: Nitin Gadkari

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