Here are some reasons why most people gain weight in winters

You might have noticed that during the cold months even your regular fitted shirt and jeans seem tighter. Even if you are carrying out all your daily activities as earlier, you might feel that you have put on some kilos. Well, this is not merely your assumption, but in the winter months, most people tend to gain weight.

Winter season brings an array of health concerns along with it. It not only flares-up up cold, flu, arthritis, skin and respiratory diseases but also leads to weight fluctuation. According to a study, many people tend to gain three to five kilos during winters. To avoid gaining extra kilos, we must know the reasons why this happens.


Low level of physical activity

With the onset of the cold weather, people tend to spend more time indoors. In winters, we all enjoy curling in bed and enjoying our favourite book. Our level of physical activity decreases. Moreover, a lot of people skip their active routines like walking and jogging. You do not burn the calories you consume, which in the end is stored in the body as fat. To stay active in this season, find a workout partner. It can be a friend or a neighbour. You both can keep each other motivated and stay physically active.



​Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

The grey season severely affects our mood. Lack of sunlight leads several people to develop Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which is a type of clinical depression. This often leads to overeating, poor food choices, and a more sedentary lifestyle. Over time, a person may gain weight. To overcome this problem, try to spend some time in the sunlight whenever possible.


​Comfort foods

With the dip in the temperature, we always reach out for heavier and warming foods. Warm food helps to raise body temperature and also lift our mood. But having excess carb and fat loaded food have its perils. To avoid weight gain, look for healthier alternatives like instead of creamy soup have clear soup. Also, try to keep yourself active to burn excessive calories.



Sufficient intake of water is necessary to maintain a healthy weight. In summer, we practically have a water bottle glued to your hand, the real challenge it is to stay hydrated in winters. Even a little dehydration can mimic a feeling of hunger, making you reach for food. In winters try to drink 2-3 litres of water daily to maintain a healthy weight.


​Hormonal issues

People suffering from diabetes and thyroid may face a real challenge in the season. The hormones generally go out of control with the change in season. The unbalanced hormones can make people eat more or halt their weight loss progress. Get a regular check-up to ensure that your hormones are in control. Your doctor may change your medication if needed.