Sunday, May 12, 2024

Got a new pet? Here are five ways to bond with them

If you have a pet at home and are not able to understand them and vice-versa, it can cause some strain and unhappiness

pets, pet care, bonding with pets, pet dog, pet cat, pet bird, how to bond with pets, how to take care of pets, training pets, indian express newsPetting is important because they get habituated to your touch and it provides them comfort. (Photo: Getty/Thinkstock)

A pet parent will understand the importance of forging a bond with them. Pets are like family members who ought to be valued and loved. They can take away our everyday stress and become a source of joy.

If you have a pet at home and are not able to understand them and vice-versa, it can cause some strain and unhappiness. Not only is it likely to affect you, it can also make the animal feel unwanted, with the display of some classic signs like emotional indifference, lack of desire to play, low energy, poor eye contact and, at times, aggression, warns Divya Singh Vishwanath, a lifestyle blogger and stylist.

She shares with five ways to form a strong bond with your furry friend; read on.


1. Build trust

Give your pet time and independence to get familiar with the house and surrounding area. Whether it’s a cat, dog or a bird, socialising gets them comfortable with the human way of life. Use a gentle tone with them. A harsh tone instills fear and gets them to feel uncomfortable near you. Be patient. At times they can take a bit longer to settle.

2. Touch

Festive offer

While interacting with your pet, whether it’s taking them for a walk or socialising or talking, touch and hug them. Petting is important because they get habituated to your touch and it provides them comfort. This is how you build trust and strengthen the bond.

pets, pet care, bonding with pets, pet dog, pet cat, pet bird, how to bond with pets, how to take care of pets, training pets, indian express news Interaction with your pet has to be positive and gentle. (Photo: Getty/Thinkstock)

3. Training and communication


Train your pets with love, but train them early. Be consistent and if you have rules for them, be consistent with that, too. It’s easier to train them right than to untrain them. Treats for good behaviour go a long way. No harsh punishments. Training means they follow your command and there is communication, hence a bond is formed.

4. Interaction

Interaction with your pet has to be positive and gentle. But, no play can make them disinterested. Take them for a walk, if possible, cuddle with them, play with them, talk to them and reward them. You will be their fun human and they will get further attached to you.

5. Feed them

Keep their meal-time fixed and give them food yourself. You are now their food source and they begin to trust you.


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First uploaded on: 20-09-2021 at 21:00 IST
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