A planet is a celestial body orbiting a star, shining by reflected or self-generated light. In our solar system, planets like Earth, Mars, and Jupiter orbit the Sun.

Planets are distinguished from other celestial objects by their gravitational influence, spherical shape, and the absence of nuclear fusion.

They vary in size, composition, and atmospheric conditions, contributing to the diverse nature of our solar system.

Characteristics Of Planets

Main Characteristics of Planets

  • Orbit around a star (such as the Sun).
  • Part of solar systems.
  • Spherical shape due to gravity.
  • Do not generate their own light, reflect solar light.
  • Experience variations in temperature and climate.
  • Rotate on their own axis.
  • Presence of atmosphere in some.
  • Diversity in size and composition.
  • Located in interstellar space.
  • Some have moons or other natural satellites.