Bipasha Basu embraces her post postpartum body and shares her journey with pilates

Slow and steady, says the actor
Bipasha Basu embraces her post postpartum body and shares her journey with pilates

While embracing and welcoming the joys of being a mom, Bipasha Basu shares the beauty of her postpartum body and the slow and steady journey she is undertaking to recover in the healthiest way possible. One such method that Bipasha Basu shared with her 13.6M followers is using the pilates cadillac reformer—a celebrity favourite for good reason. Here's all you need to know about this form of contemporary pilates and its benefits.

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Pilates cadillac reformer

The cadillac usually comprises a frame with attachments like bars, belts, and springs that may be adjusted to provide resistance and support during exercises. This apparatus is commonly found in pilates studios and is particularly useful for rehabilitation and advanced pilates training. It's a dynamic piece of equipment that may be used for a variety of workouts and movements to enhance strength, flexibility, mobility, and general fitness.

Core stability

A strong core is required for optimal posture and stability. The Cadillac is especially good at targeting core muscles like the abs, obliques, and lower back. Ergo, it can aid in decreasing the risk of back pain and improving your core strength.

Improved range of motion

The apparatus’ adjustable design allows for a wide range of motion, which aids in flexibility. Improved mobility can make daily motions easier and lessen the risk of muscle strains and joint damage.

Improved posture

By using this equipment, you emphasize the need for perfect alignment and body awareness. This emphasis on alignment can assist individuals in improving their posture and minimizing the likelihood of musculoskeletal disorders.

Mental health and wellness

In addition to its physical benefits, pilates also helps in improving your mental well-being. The focus necessary for precise movements and controlled breathing can be used for meditation and stress alleviation creating a sense of relaxation.


For people suffering from injuries or surgery, the cadillac can be a useful tool in the rehabilitation process. It enables controlled, gentle motions that aid in the healing process and aid in the restoration of strength and flexibility. It's frequently used to aid recovery from a wide range of injuries or procedures, including those involving the spine, shoulders, hips, and more.

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