
Fissure Sealants

Fissure Sealants

Fissure sealants are a preventative coating placed in the natural deep fissures and grooves on the biting surfaces of permanent adult teeth that are at higher risk for tooth decay.

The bacteria in plaque collect in these deep grooves and fissures which cannot be reached by your toothbrush.

A safe and protective covering is placed in these areas, ideally soon after tooth has erupted into the mouth.

Fissure sealants

What’s involved?

The biting surface of the tooth is cleaned and dried, and a mild conditioning agent is applied for approximately 20 seconds then thoroughly washed off. The sealant material which is generally a strong plastic material (similar to materials used in regular restorative fillings) is then placed and set hard on the tooth.

Fissure sealing is a safe and painless procedure and materials used are biologically sound and designed to blend in with the natural colour of the tooth.

Fissure sealants are designed to last for many years and are checked regularly at subsequent exam and clean appointments. This procedure is classed as a preventative treatment and is covered well by most private health funds.

For more information you can visit our Preventative Care page here.