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British Empire Timeline of Events KS2

British Empire Timeline of Events KS2

How can I use this timeline?

The British Empire had a huge impact on both Britain and the rest of the world, but when was the British Empire? It stretched on for centuries, and a lot happened during that time. Use our timeline of events to teach your children about when different events occurred and what happened to the empire over time. 

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  • Twinkl added Cut Outs Version 1 year ago
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  • Twinkl added Super Eco Colour 3 years ago

How can I use this timeline?

The British Empire had a huge impact on both Britain and the rest of the world, but when was the British Empire? It stretched on for centuries, and a lot happened during that time. Use our timeline of events to teach your children about when different events occurred and what happened to the empire over time. 

To get this timeline ready for your classroom, you just need to follow a few simple steps. Click download, and the timeline will download onto your computer straight away. Once it’s finished downloading, it’ll open up in a new tab, ready for you to print out and use immediately. 

The timeline is divided into three A4 pages. Once you’ve printed them off, all you need to do is find a space in your classroom for you to stick them up together. This resource features colourful illustrations, we also have a super eco colour version available if you’d like to use the resource but are looking to save on printer ink. 

If you like this timeline, we also have a Windrush Timeline. This timeline gives you all the key events in the story of the Windrush generation. It also has illustrations and information on influential people from the Windrush generation, and the impact they’ve had on the Britain.

How will this timeline help my class?

It’s really important that children understand the impact of the British Empire, and how the empire has influenced how we live today. This timeline gives clear information about key events that lead to the creation and then to the ending of the empire. 

If you’d like to teach your children more about the British Empire, have a look at this British Empire Information PowerPoint. It’s a great way to introduce your children to key facts, dates, and people who were key to the creation of the empire, as well as what happened in order for it to end. 

We’ve also created this Britain and the Slave Trade PowerPoint. This PowerPoint has been designed to be accessible to allow children to learn about the impact of it and reflect upon what they’re being taught. It also discusses important figures involved in the abolition of the slave trade.

When was the British Empire?

Whilst the British had been exploring parts of the world before, and the effects of the empire still remain in some countries today, the British Empire started in 1601 and ended in 1997.

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