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Is it safe to travel to Israel right now? Latest travel advice

Everything you need to know about travel to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories – including easyJet cancelling flights to Tel Aviv – in the wake of military action by Iran

Promenade along the port of Jaffa, Israel
Promenade along the port of Jaffa, Israel
Cathy Adams
The Times

The military action by Iran against Israel on April 13 has stoked fears of a further escalation of tensions in the region. The UK Foreign Office currently warns against all travel to large parts of Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories over safety concerns amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war and increased tensions in the Middle East.

Airlines have cancelled flights to Tel Aviv, including easyJet and Virgin Atlantic; while routes to and over the Middle East are taking longer due to airspace closures.

Here’s what you need to know.

What’s the latest government advice about travelling to Israel?

The UK Foreign Office currently advises against all travel to large parts of Israel and all of the occupied Palestinian territories, and all but essential travel to the rest of the country. This includes the tourist cities of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

The UK Foreign Office said in its latest update since the Iran attack: “We recognise this a fast-moving situation that poses significant risks. The situation has potential to deteriorate quickly and without warning. This could disrupt air and road links out of the country. If your reason to remain in Israel and the OPTs is not essential you should consider leaving if it is safe to do so.”


More general advice that has been in place since the conflict began on October 7, 2023, is: “Before travelling within Israel or the OPTs, check the local measures in place, that roads are open and, where appropriate, that scheduled train and bus services are operating.”

If you are in an area affected by fighting, follow the advice found on the Israeli Home Front Command website, or by calling 104 — both of these services are only available to those currently in Israel.

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The Western Wall and Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
The Western Wall and Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem

Is it safe to travel to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv?

You should not be considering visiting Jerusalem or Tel Aviv for a holiday right now. The Foreign Office has advised against all but essential travel to areas of Israel, including the tourist hubs of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. A state of emergency is in place across the country and borders could close at short notice.

The Foreign Office highlighted that there are continued exchanges of rocket attacks and other incidents across Israel and the OPTs, as well as along Israel’s norther border with Lebanon.


Virgin Atlantic and easyJet have all paused services to Tel Aviv until September and October 2024 respectively. British Airways resumed a limited service to Tel Aviv on 1 April, 2024. If you already have a flight booked, you should get in touch with the airline — the options to cancel for a full refund or amend to a future date are available.

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