How Stem Cell Therapy Is Changing Lives; Know How It Helps Manage Health Conditions

How Stem Cell Therapy Is Changing Lives; Know How It Helps Manage Health Conditions
How Stem Cell Therapy Helps Manage Health Conditions

Stem Cell Therapy utilises the natural healing mechanisms of the body. Here's how it works against diseases and help manage the symptoms.

Written by Editorial Team |Updated : December 16, 2021 11:37 AM IST

Any new treatment is met with doubts about its safety and effectiveness. In particular, when treatment is new to healthcare professionals as well, there is a double challenge ensuring awareness among both the professionals and patients. Stem cell treatment is one such modality that has raised several questions over the years. Although stem cells have been used for the treatment of blood-related cancers in the form of bone marrow transplants for over four decades, the use of these cells to treat other diseases has been met with doubts and criticism. This article aims to provide information on what one needs to know about this therapy.

What Is Stem Cell Therapy?

First, we need to understand what stem cells are. These may be called the 'master cells of the body because all of us develop from a single cell. Stem cells divide rapidly and 'specialize' to form the various cells, tissues, and organs of the body. However, there is always a pool of unused stem cells that are like a backup for the repair and regeneration of the body. For example, in the adult body, there are stem cells in the bone marrow, fat tissue, teeth, peripheral blood, and other tissues. Along with other cells and systems, these cells maintain homeostasis or balance in bodily functions. Thus, in stem cell therapy, the aim is to obtain these cells and transplant them into the local environment where there is disease/injury. Since stem cells are a part of the body, the inherent healing potential is capitalized and there is no question of rejection or side effects.

We have all heard about umbilical cord banking. The purpose is simply to store the stem cells in the umbilical cord, which can subsequently be used to treat diseases in the child or even unrelated individuals (after matching and other analyses of course!). The use of an umbilical cord, placental, adult stem cells, and even growth factors has rapidly gained popularity in the past two decades. Researchers and clinicians are collaborating to conduct trials on the use of stem cells in various diseases orthopaedic (arthritis, avascular necrosis, sports injuries, etc.), nerve-related (traumatic nerve injuries, stroke, Parkinson's disease, etc.), autoimmune and lifestyle-related disorders (diabetes, obesity-associated complications, etc.) to name a few.

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The purpose of using stem cells is to address the pathology and not just the signs and symptoms. Conventional treatments are losing potential due to the issues of drug resistance and temporary relief from symptoms, etc. Moreover, the need for multiple surgeries in certain conditions, especially in young patients, is a major deterrent. Cell-based therapy is minimally invasive, and the results are maintained over long periods due to the various properties of stem cells. The only need is to provide the right cells at the right location at the right time Nature will then gradually take its course and help in healing and regeneration.

The need of the hour is to create awareness regarding the possibilities of cell-based therapy. This treatment is actually the most basic form of therapy, wherein we utilise the natural healing mechanisms of the body. It is time to think beyond Pills and Knives for the treatment of diseases and focus on Cells instead!

(The article is contributed by Dr. Pradeep Mahajan, Regenerative Medicine Researcher, StemRx Bioscience Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Navi Mumbai)


Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article belong to the author. Readers are advised to exercise discretion and try out the mentioned tips/remedies only under the supervision and advice of a doctor.