The Best Maxim Covers

Maggie Coen
Updated June 15, 2019 136.6K views 29 items
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17.9K votes
1.7K voters

List of the most memorable Maxim Magazine covers, featuring the coolest photographs, sexiest celebrity shots, and most innovative designs ever to hit newsstands. These best Maxim covers span the entire history of the publication, and provide a good overview of the stories and issues Maxim has covered over the years. Iconic magazine covers capture images of historic and cultural landmarks that persist in the collective consciousness.

Maxim Magazine is an international men's magazine published in 27 countries. The publication is known for its pictures of hot actresses, sexy singers, and near-nude models featured on the monthly covers and in the annual Maxim Hot 100 list.

This list includes rare Maxim covers and hard-to-find classic Maxim covers as well as the most popular and famous Maxim magazine covers. The stars, politicians, athletes, and other famous and influential figures on magazine covers document major world events and news stories that have held public attention over the years.

Ever evolving fashion, technology, and societal trends influence the art and design of magazine covers, but Maxim also has a signature font, layout, and style that has come to represent the magazine as an institution. You won't a more comprehensive collection of Maxim magazine covers. Vote for the vintage Maxim magazine covers with the most attractive design, most memorable or important news stories, or that you best remember and recognize. Missing your favorite? Add it to the list!