Guide To Salvia Divinorum Extracts & Finding High Potency Salvia For Sale

Here is a complete guide to finding high potency salvia divinorum extracts for sale.
Guide To Salvia Divinorum Extracts & Finding High Potency Salvia For Sale

Salvia divinorum is a potent psychedelic plant. In this complete guide I’m going to tell you everything you need to know to safely get a fantastic experience using it, including finding high quality and potent Salvia extract for sale.

The effects of a good Salvia divinorum experience can be incredible, especially if you use potent extract to minimize what you need to consume. But there are some problems and warnings with using it, and I’ll cover those well.

I’ll also cover the key topic of dosing Salvia. It’s a really tough one, but I’m going to do my best to guide you towards making a good choice for your first Salvia experience, so that you don’t get overawed and miss out on future great times.

If you’d like to check out Salvia divinorum before you read on, this is the link you need:

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What Exactly Is Salvia Divinorum?

Salvia divinorum is also known as “Sage of the diviners”. That sounds grand, and it is. However, it’s also a plant in the mint family, which doesn’t sound quite so impressive.

Salvia grows mostly in Central America, and has been used by Mexican tribes for a thousand years or more.

Its active ingredient is called Salvinorin A. It’s a potent hallucinogenic compound.

The Shamen of those tribes used to use Salvia to induce the visions and altered states of consciousness that would allow them to make their predictions, and some would say maintain their position in society.

Let’s talk specifically about the effects of Salvia, because they are profound and complete.

This is a snapshot of what you can expect if you have a great Salvia experience:

  • Uncontrollable bursts of happiness
  • Altered state of consciousness
  • Overwhelming hallucinations
  • At high doses a complete out of body experience
  • Total amnesia
  • A feeling of travelling into alternative dimensions
  • Flying through time and space
  • Seeing things with overwhelming clarity
  • Incredible vision and sound enhancements

Look, if you have a good trip, this is going to completely remove you from reality. You won’t even know who you are, where you are, you’ll be oblivious to everything and everyone around you, and you may even feel you’ve entered a completely different universe.

This won’t last for long though. The effects kick in almost immediately if you smoke it, and are mostly gone in 30 minutes, with the peak effects subsiding after 15 minutes.

Overwhelmingly, if you get this right, then the effects are like nothing else you will experience. That’s why it’s been such a special experience in certain tribes and groups for so long.

Is Salvia Safe?

Look, the truth is that nobody seems to have died purely from using Salvia in modern times, even with extract strength product available. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen or couldn’t, but it’s evidently so rare as to be undocumented.

Which might make you wonder why so many countries have outlawed this. Part of the reason is personal safety.

As I’ve said, you’re in a completely different universe in your head. This can make you walk around, run, thrash out, bump into things, walk out of doors, think you can fly, all sorts of dangerous things can happen occasionally (but very rarely).

Also, as has been shown in America, do not have any guns or weapons nearby as freaking out on this stuff has led to some nasty incidents.

That’s why you should have a sitter. Someone who is not using it when you do. That way, you know you are safe. It’s definitely advised at all times, and especially if you are a beginner.

The easiest and safest experience will be with fresh Salvia leaves. You can chew them, or make a liquid from them. But the experience will not be that extreme.

Dried leaves when smoked produce a good experience, and you will fly and go to a different plane of existence, but it won’t necessarily be overwhelming.

The Salvia extracts are completely different though, so let’s talk about the difference between powder and extract right now.

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What’s The Difference Between Salvia Powder And Salvia Extract?

These are the different formats of Salvia that you need to be aware of, because of the different potencies: 

  • The first is fresh leaves, which can be chewed, or made into a tea.
  • Then you’ve got the dried leaves which are just loosely ground. These can be smoked, but aren’t very concentrated.
  • The next format is Salvia powder. This is where the dried leaves are ground into a fine powder. You’ve still got the same level of potency, but it’s more concentrated due to the fact that the powder shrinks the dose into a small and easier quantity to smoke (it is mostly smoked to get the intense experience).
  • Salvia extracts are the most potent type. This is a big topic, so let’s dig in.

Salvia extracts are made by boiling the leaves down. You keep adding more and more, until you have a really thick pulpy mud that has a really high concentration of Salvinorin A. It’s then dried out and ground into a powder, but it’s a far more concentrated powder than the standard ground leaves.

It’s graded at 10x, 20x, 40x and even higher strengths. That strength means that the concentration is that much higher than standard leaves.

Therefore, 10x extract contains around 30 mg of Salvinorin A per gram of powder, while 20x contains around 60 mg. Weirdly though, 40x is listed as having 80 mg per gram, which is not double 20x, while the 60x strength one is listed as having 180 mg per gram, which is roughly double. But on average, you double for every multiple.

It’s incredibly potent and not for beginners. You really don’t need a lot, which is why I’ll cover dosage in detail in a moment.

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Finding Salvia Divinorum Plants For Sale

Before we dive into the details of dosing and you Salvia to get a good experience, I just want to talk about finding Salvia divinorum plants for sale.

I’ll cover legality generally in a moment, but in some places it only legal to own the plants, you can’t harvest them or use them. But it does allow you to get your hands on Salvia discreetly and use it with a minimum chance of getting caught.

They aren’t cheap, and I only know one source, which I will tell you about at the end of this guide, but if you can get one, you can also grow more and have a never-ending cheap supply.

Just remember that the ground powder uses a lot of leaves, with each gram of powder containing up to 10 g of leaves, which is a lot of leaves!

Salvia Dosage Range – A Really Tough Topic

What we do know is that it’s been shown that the dose of as low as 200 micrograms can have an effect, while a strong dose is anything above 20 mg, like completely transcendental. On average, most people are dosing around 15 mg per experience.

But how do you know how much is in the Salvia you are going to be taking?

Well, with the leaves you going to be taking a relatively low dose. So that’s a great starting point if you’re really a beginner want to be safe.

What we know is that the 10x extract from the company I’m going to recommend at the end of this guide, contains about 25 mg per gram of extract powder. That means you need about 10 g of standard powder to get the same 25 mg dose as a single gram of extract.

So in order to get that 15 mg of Salvinorin A for an experience, you’re looking at around 5 g of powder, which is quite a lot and which is why I recommend extracts for more advanced experiences, because you’ll usually use around half a gram.

How To Use Salvia: Advice On Achieving A Perfect Experience

Overall, you won’t have a clue how you got are going to react to using Salvia, so you have to play it safe in the beginning.

Salvia leaves and powder are usually smoked in a pipe or bong. More recently, people have been using herb vaporizers, but I would warn you to be careful because they give an incredibly intense hit.

You’ll smoke it in deeply and quickly. I’d personally start with a single gram of good quality standard Salvia powder your first time. Then, increase the dose. But for the truly transcendental experience, you’re going to want to experiment with doses of good quality Salvia divinorum extract.

So with 10x Salvia extract, half a gram is going to be around 13 mg or so of active ingredient, which is going to give you a great and full-spectrum experience.

>>> Click Here To Buy The Highest Quality Salvia Divinorum<<<

Is Salvia Divinorum Legal?

It’s important to talk about Salvia legality. As an example, I want to talk about Salvia divinorum Texas legality (the US state of Texas).

Although there are no federal laws about Salvia divinorum outlaw it, this is not the case at state level and 33 states have some sort of legislation.

Texas has outlawed Salvia, making it illegal to buy, sell, or use it. It’s a violation in penalty group 3. That means up to a $4000 fine and up to one year in jail, although convictions are pretty much unheard of for small amounts of personal use Salvia.

The loophole is that in Texas it’s not illegal to own a Salvia divinorum plant, even though it’s illegal to be in possession of seeds from a plant. As long as there’s no evidence of seeds, or processing of the leaves, you’re good to go.

Across the rest of the world, it’s a similar story. Half the countries seem to not care, while the other half of the world has banned it. Mostly though, it’s not banned as a specific substance, but is banned under a blanket rule within psychoactive substances act, where anything that has a mind altering state is illegal.

This includes countries like Great Britain, Ukraine, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Spain, and Sweden.

Mostly though, it’s classed the same as kratom. And most people whether they are in Europe, the USA, or Asia, don’t have any problem getting their hands on it locally, or even getting it through customs and border controls via online ordering. Just be prepared to lose the odd shipment, and realize that they aren’t coming to arrest you if they find Salvia in a package.

Does Using Salvia With Kratom Enhance The Experience?

Look, some people will say that using kratom will enhance the experience of Salvia, but it’s simply not the case.

They are very different in how they work in the body, the effects they have. Plus, Salvia divinorum gives an intense and complete experience, kratom can offer nothing more.

Also, adding anything else in when you are using Salvia, especially things like alcohol kratom, or other central nervous system depressant substances, could cause emotional issues if you have any sort of turmoil during your experience.

I’ve actually seen someone take an experimental capsule which was a mix of kratom and Salvia. They passed out in about 10 minutes, and just lay there for half an hour, with very shallow breathing. It was not a good experience for them all the other people in the room.

I’m advocating the opposite. Be completely clean, and have been clean for several days before Salvia experience. That purity and cleanness will give you a better chance of a positive mental experience that can carry you forward.

I don’t mean that lightly, people often report that a good Salvia experience can brighten their mind and attitude for days and weeks to come, inspiring creativity, and lifting them from depression.

Where To Find High Quality Salvia For Sale

Because of its legality, you’ll find it tough to get good quality Salvia divinorum from many places.

Find Salvia for sale that high purity and as potent as is stated, is also tough, but there is one place that I know of and use. does exactly what it says, is sell great quality Salvia at 10x, 20x, 40x and 60x strength.

In terms of prices, you are in for a treat.

The incredibly strong 60x strength Salvia costs just $39.95 for a full gram. It contains around 70 mg per gram. That’s enough for four, five, even six great experiences for just 40 bucks.

They sell a 1 ounce bag of dried leaves for just $19.99, great entry point if you want more mild experience both in terms of smoking, inhalation, and result.

They are the only company I know who sell good quality Salvia divinorum plants as well. These aren’t cheap, costing $120. But once you’ve got one, you can use it to cultivate others. Just be aware that you need around 10 g of leaves to dry and grind to get good experience.

Note - This article is written by Brand Desk.

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