All You Need To Know About The Medicinal Benefits Of Parijat Or Night Jasmin

Want to know about the plant, which PM Modi planted in Ayodhya? Read below to know the medicinal benefits of Parijat flower.
All You Need To Know About The Medicinal Benefits Of Parijat Or Night Jasmin

Parijat, also called Harsingar, is a beautiful flower, which can be mostly found at places of worships. But, did you know that this flower not just looks pretty but are great for the health too? Along with Harsingar flower, its leaves also have therapeutic properties and can cure issues in the eye, appetite, etc. This particular plant is in the news for Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going to plant this Parijat tree as it is considered as a sacred and special tree in Hindu scriptures. There have been many beliefs and stories surrounding this particular plant, which makes it all the more critical as it dates back to the era where Ayurvedic herbs were the only remedies available for the cure to various diseases.


This particular plant has various benefits, and was extensively used in curing various diseases, which are listed below:


Parijat leaves are packed with anti-allergic properties, apcked with a chemical compound called β-sitosterol. Also, extracts from its leaves may help to relax the nasal tube by increasing the production of nitric oxide (2). In fact, in asthma, the nasal tube is swollen, and the muscles around it become hard, which makes breathing extremely difficult. Harsingar flowers can be used after drying and baking powder.

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Joint Pains


Joint pain means to stretch, pain, stiffness, etc. in the joint of any part of the body. Although joint pain can be treated with usual home remedies, if the problem persists for a long time, then the only option to handle it is to replace the joints. But this particular plant can also help provide relief from excruciating pain in the joints. For the same, grind 6 to 7 leaves of Night Jasmine and mix in water and boil it till the quantity is reduced to half. Now cool it and drink it empty stomach in the morning. Consuming it regularly will also eliminate other problems related to joints.

Cold, Cough And Fever

Night jasmine can work in our body as an expectorant, which helps to remove mucus from the throat and cure cough. Also, it also has antibacterial properties, which can eliminate the bacteria that causes cough and cold, especially during seasonal change. If you are looking for a cure for cough, take a few leaves of night jasmine, sqeeze its juice and drink it mixed in water. For extra taste, add honey too. Also, its root and leaves have antipyretic properties, which can help you get relief from fever. For a more substantial effect, add ginger too.

Watch: What remedies to use to get rid of cold and cough: 

Wounds And Cuts

If you thought this plant has nothing to do with the skin then you are wrong. This medicinal plant is great to heal wounds and skin rash. The antioxidant properties in Night Jasmine help in healing the wound like any other antiseptic that we find at chemist shops. The extract of Night Jasmine has antioxidants, which you can apply to your wound in a paste form. For the same, grind freshly washed leaves and apply on the wound. In the same way, skin-related diseases can be cured by rubbing Parijat tree leaves on the skin. Herbal oil made from the leaves of Parijat is also used extensively for curing skin diseases.

Also Read: Quick Tips To Take Care of Diabetic Wounds

How To Use Night Jasmine For Health  


To make Harsingar tea, take two leaves of basil along with two parijat leaves and a flower and boil them in 1 glass of water. When it boils, filter it and drink it after it cools down. You can also add honey or sugar candy to taste. First of all, the amount of Harsingar depends on how you are consuming it. Generally, the flowers, leaves, roots and seeds of are used differently for various diseases.

  • In the form of juice and juice: 10-20 ml
  • Powdered and powdered form: 1-3 grams
  • As decoction: 50-100 ml

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