Is Super Saiyan Blue 3 Possible?

Super Saiyan 3 is my favourite transformation in all of Dragon Ball. It's not the best form by any means, but its aesthetic appeal trumps every other form. Naturally, I wanna see more of it, but ever since the God forms got introduced, SSJ 3 became pretty much obsolete. HOWEVER, is it possible to see the form with God ki stacked on top of it? The short answer is... yes and here's why. 

Source: iVoltGaming Via YouTube

First of all we gotta understand what SSGSS aka Super Saiyan Blue is. It sounds fancy, but the simplest way to think about it is regular Super Saiyan with God ki stacked on top. So it's basically a state which uses the God form and SSJ form simultaneously. How combining yellow and red results in blue is beyond me, but there is evidence to support this as seen when Goku switches from Blue to God in the Tournament of Power to conserve stamina. He's basically deactivating SSJ and only taps into the God ki which makes him go from Blue go to God.


The reason why it's important to understand the result of stacking God ki on top of regular SSJ to form SSGSS is because that would also mean Super Saiyan Blue's progression follows the exact same path of regular Super Saiyan. This means that in theory, Super Saiyan Blue 2 and 3 are canonically possible forms.


We see further evidence supporting this in Blue's relationship with the SSJ Grades (which I did a detailed breakdown of here). The whole idea for this post stemmed from the belief that Vegeta's super Saiyan Blue Evolution seen in the anime isn't a separate form, but rather Super Saiyan Blue Grade 2. The parallels between the two are undeniable. Vegeta uses anger and rage to break his limits and get significantly more muscular and have spikier hair. Grade 2 is also known by fans as Ascended Saiyan, which is functionally the same as the term "Evolution". As mentioned in my previous post about the grade forms, they're never referred to as "the grades" in the anime or manga and are only distinguished in the guide books. This means Grade 2 can technically also be called SSJ Evolution.

© Akira Toriyama, Shueisha, Toei

Skipping Grade 3, which is universally regarded as the worst SSJ form for battle, we see another interesting "new form" in the manga. Perfected Super Saiyan Blue is the most optimal form of Blue for combat so far. It basically removes the stamina drawback of the form through tranquillity and martial arts mastery. Does that remind you of something else? It sure sounds like SSJ Grade 4 to me. Both the concept and result of the two forms are virtually identical. Combine that with the fact that Blue follows the same progression path of regular SSJ and it stands to reason that Perfected Super Saiyan Blue is the same as Super Saiyan Blue Grade 4.

© Akira Toriyama, Toyotarou, Shonen Jump, Shueisha

Finally, we need to address Super Saiyan Rose. At first glance this seems like a unique transformation and to an extent it is, but it's also Zamasu's own equivalent to Super Saiyan Blue. While Goku uses God ki from the Saiyan ritual to stack on top of regular SSJ, Zamasu uses his own divine ki as a Kaio-shin (apprentice) to stack on SSJ, which results in Rose. This is further supported by the fact that he's using Goku's saiyan body, which follows the same Super Saiyan progression path, just with an altered Supreme Kai ki, which results in the alternate Pink colour. This is of great importance as we see Zamasu achieve Super Saiyan Rose 3 in Super Dragon Ball Heroes. Now yes, SDBH is a promotional anime and isn't canon, but it's still official material that directly confirms the existence of Rose 3 as a transformation and by proxy also confirms Blue 3.

© Akira Toriyama, Shueisha, Toei

Overall, we see evidence in both canon and filler materials that proves the existence of Super Saiyan Blue 3 as a higher level that can be reached. Soooo... if that's the case, why hasn't it been reached?


Firstly, training for it will likely take years. Goku and Vegeta had to train with Whis before they could learn to combine the God and SSJ forms into Blue. It seems like it's not possible to just turn into SSJ 3 and automatically stack God on top of it for Blue 3. Since they're dealing with divine powers, a greater amount of effort, understanding and mastery is likely required for these forms.


Secondly, this level of Power may be so difficult to achieve, it could require an external stimulus. We see that concept embodied by the time breaker mask, which was used by Zamasu to go into Rose 3. It was heavily implied he only ascended to that level because of the mask and was likely unable to do it without it. That being said, saying the transformation is completely unreachable is ludicrous, considering we've seen the saiyans going past their limits time and time again. Zamasu doesn't have the pure saiyan mentality, hence why he needed the mask to achieve the form, but even with Goku and Vegeta's constant hunger for improvement, it might be more difficult and time consuming than their current training routine.


Finally, Blue 3 is just not an optimal form. We already know the non-perfected version of Blue drains stamina fairly significantly so Blue 3 would completely exhaust any character going for it. I suppose this begs the question of why wouldn't Goku and Vegeta go for Blue 2 considering regular SSJ 2 is a more optimal form than SSJ Grade 4? In this case, it may not be so much of a stamina issue as the fact that Goku and Vegeta have chosen to abandon the Super Saiyan progression path and go for other divine power ups. By all accounts Ultra Instinct (especially Mastered Ultra Instinct) and Ultra Ego (though it's yet to get a W) are both theoretically superior forms to a potential Blue 3.


In conclusion, I believe all the evidence I provided proves that Super Saiyan Blue 3 is a transformation that exists, though unfortunately its usefulness has been surpassed by the Ultra forms before it even had the chance to make its debut.

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