Relevance of Independence day for the current generation of India?

Relevance of Independence day for the current generation of India?

We celebrate Independence Day every year for remembering the sacrifices of our freedom fighters, Independence from outsiders, the formation of a single unit by merging all dynasties, kingdoms & cultures named India. Some of us also celebrate it as a holiday.

If we review our history, there were many occasions of sacrifices for the nation starting from the formation of Bharat, but there was something special that happened in 1947. It was the first time when almost every citizen of India had thought, acted & contributed to the nation & right to equality at the same time. Our ancestors had fewer resources, earnings, stability, and freedom to act. On the other side, they had high morale, determination, patriotism, and dreams to give a better life to future generations. It was one of the rarest moments in the history of humanity when more than 30 crores of people had singular thoughts, dreams & actions with almost nil favorable circumstances. The impact of the movement was immense that had created golden history and thrown out sturdy outsider establishments.

We got an independent country and freedom as a heritage. We think all these things are now history and may not be relevant in the current scenario. During 1947, 90% of citizens had singularity in thoughts, actions & contributions, and we know the current situation.

Let me ask a question, are we independent?

If we look only at India, the answer may be Yes. But if we look globally, the answer is NO. We had a conflict with Britishers because they had not given the rights of equality and exploited our future economic growth. If we observe ourselves in the global scenario, we are majorly dependent in terms of economic aspects. Our capabilities have not grown to be independent over decades. We are in this situation because of not envisioning economic freedom after getting physical freedom.

Everyone gives many reasons for the incapabilities of not being a dominant economy against the government, system, resources, opportunities, etc. 

Independence Day is the perfect answer for that. Our freedom fighters had no government, resources, opportunities, comfort as compared to today. If they would have thought & acted like us, we all can assume the current situation of our country.

The best of anything comes out only under high pressure and limited resources (Carbon gets converted to Diamond under high pressure & lack of oxygen). We are very fortunate to have both things, limited resources & high global pressure. Now it's time to convert our carbon to Diamond.

Now the common question is, what should I do to contribute to the nation.

The answer is simple, develop a sense of responsibility for being a true Indian. Ask yourself a question daily, Is the work I'm going to do is contributing to my country? Am I going to deliver better quality from the person at the same post in the developed countries?

The sense of true responsibility in every citizen with complete integrity, excellence, and innovation can change the destiny of India.

I am giving some examples to explain in a better way.

Neeraj Chopra and many players had limited resources, infrastructure, comfort compared to other global players. But they have worked better compared to other players across the globe.

Similarly, every citizen of India has to do a better job. A person working in a manufacturing line starts thinking about the quality of the product should be best from his end so that people across the globe can proudly use the products with a tag Made in India. If students start thinking to be much more competitive, they can create wonders. If teachers upgrade themselves better, our education system will soon become modern and calibrated for industry requirements. If all industrialists & business personnel start thinking to contribute to the nation more than other countries, manufacturing infrastructure will grow much faster.

We can have many problems but the solution starts with thoughts, actions, and contributions made by each one of us.

Remember 30 crores people have broken the trends of centuries, 110 crores can bring the change for upcoming centuries.

I Celebrate Independence Day with a commitment to the country for taking up the responsibility to deliver the best with Integrity, Excellence, and Innovation. 

Proud to be an Indian. Jai Hind.


Sudeep Kumar Pal

ZSM-Team Lead||BD Expert@Channel||Direct ||Franchise|| GTM ||Enterpreneur



Happy Independence Day

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