Bumpy road ahead?

Bumpy road ahead?

I recently spoke of how many of us were already finding the need to dip into our reserves and it seemed to resonate with a lot of the people I work with, particularly in some of the service sectors like primary health and retail.

On further reflection it is clear that this concern is not confined to just those kinds of businesses.  For many companies the road ahead in 2021, while straighter than last year, still looks bumpy. As a result, anxiety and even despair in some cases, will affect decision making and contribute to the VUCA world we have been living in for over a year now.

We have some uncertainty ahead of us, no doubt.

But we can address these challenges with focus and clarity if we stick to some key behaviours that will give all our stakeholders belief that we will prevail, despite the difficulties that will continue to plague us this year.

In the TEC world we seek to stay focused on three criteria that are synonymous with good leadership. In effect, three words that position how well we handle tough times and lead people through adversity drive us. They are equally important so they all require FOCUS.

Calm / Confident / Optimistic

When we work with our teams, when we acknowledge the challenges of the day, when we seek to change the mood of the moment, these words guide our tone and our demeanour.  We place great importance on them.

People expect their leaders to lead.

As people of influence, it is incumbent on us to instil confidence and calm in our teams, and to be optimistic about the direction in which we are headed. It is expected of us, and not just from our staff but everyone we deal with; customers, service providers and those whom we seek to influence. 

All of that while still staying realistic, no false hope, no mistruths to prop up our optimism, just the facts reported with a calmness and a confidence that help others find the certainty they need to look the future in the eye and know that we can get through the tough times if we do the right things. 

As you have probably gathered, I am an optimist, I believe that if we stay focused we can achieve pretty much anything we set ourselves to do.

What about you, what do you think?  I’d love to know.

Have a great weekend and stay well.


Greg Garrihy

Sharing my Innovated approach and providing a change of perspective to assist Business Leaders achieve their Potential. Coaching, Mentoring and Business Advisory


If so don’t focus you don’t succeed. You make your own success and you need a tream around you to support you on your journey. The challenge is selecting the team that is honest, reliable and will challenge you.

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