Why Is Christmas Celebrated In December? 5 Common FAQs Related To The Festival Answered

Ever thought about why Christmas is celebrated in December? Why is the festival called ‘Christmas’? Here find the answers to commonly asked questions about Christmas.

Tanya Malik
why is christmas celebrated in december month christmas real date

It is that time of the year again. Christmas is just around the corner. Every year the festival is celebrated across the world to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas holds religious significance among Christians especially as it is believed that this was the day, the son of God, Jesus was born.

Christmas celebrations include decorating homes with lights, and Christmas trees, church services, and exchanging gifts among others. But if you have always wondered why Christmas is celebrated in December, you have landed on the right page.

Why Is Christmas Celebrated In December?

Not many know that December 25 isn't the day of Jesus Christ's birth. The date isn't mentioned in the Bible as his date of birth. There isn't a mention of the day or time of the year when he was born in Bethlehem. The early Christians didn't even celebrate his birth. Then how did people begin to celebrate December 25 as Jesus Christ's day of birth? There are a few legends associated with it:

Symbolic Significance Of Christmas

symbolic significance of christmas celebration jesus christ

25th December falls during the winter solstice (the shortest day and longest night of the year) in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the time that symbolises the victory of light over darkness. Since Jesus is remembered as the 'light of the world', December was chosen to celebrate Christmas due to its symbolic significance.

The Connection Between Christmas And Pagan Winter Solstice Festivals

Some legends also suggest that the date to celebrate Christmas was strategically chosen by early Christians to make it fall close to existing pagan winter solstice festivals. The pagan population followed pre-Christian religious practices and it was for the ease of transition into Christianity that Christmas was chosen to be celebrated in December.

Other Frequently Asked Questions About Christmas

Why Do People Exchange Gifts On Christmas?

Three Wise Men is a biblical story that led to the tradition of exchanging gifts with friends and family on the occasion of Christmas. The story included giving presents to Baby Jesus. The tradition also celebrates the spirit of giving to others.

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Why Do Christmas Decorations Include Christmas Trees?

Symbolically, the Christmas Tree represents an everlasting life. The lights and decorations on the Christmas Tree symbolise the light of Jesus Christ.

What Is The Importance Of Christmas Carols?

christmas carols

During the Christmas season, Christmas carols are sung to enjoy the festive spirit, spread joy among all, and let everyone know the story of Jesus Christ's birth. (How is Christmas celebrated at Jesus Christ's birth place)

What Is The Legend Behind Santa Claus?

One popular legend related to Santa Claus is that of St. Nicholas. He was a Christian bishop in Myra, a city in Turkey back in the 4th century. He was known for his generosity. St. Nicholas used to secretly help those in need.

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Why Is The Festival Called Christmas?

The name of the festival 'Christmas' is derived from the words 'Mass of Christ'. On the occasion of Christmas, Christians do a mass service while recalling the sacrifices of Jesus Christ.

Got more questions related to Christmas? Write to us on our social media handles and we would be happy to get you the answers.
