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Matagi Tokelau: History and Traditions of Tokelau

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Matagi Tokelau was originally written in Tokelauan by a diverse group of Tokelau authors who were concerned to record the history and traditions of their islands. The literal meaning of matagi is 'wind', but the word has other connotations: 'news, memories, vigour, life' -- all of which evoke something of the writer's purposes. This book is a translation of the original Tokelau edition. It contains authoritative accounts of many aspects of the distinctive, though rapidly changing way of life in the three small mid-Pacific atolls which together make up Tokelau. The accounts of Tokelau's history begin with origin traditions, move through tales of voyages, warriors and the conflicts of long ago to early European contacts, the arrival of Christianity and the tragic slave raids of 1863. The accounts continue into the 20th century ending with events as recent as 1987. There are also descriptions of the contemporary scene -- of the churches, schools, medical services and institutions of government which are now closely integrated with older, more local ways, into the fabric of daily life. The rich and disctncitve knowledge of Tokelau is represented by detailed accounts of fishing practices and well-know folktales. Tokelauans are citizens of New Zealand, and over the past generation or so many have made lives for themselves in New Zealand. This book is especially for them, and for the generations of their children.

223 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1991

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Antony Hooper

6 books2 followers

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Profile Image for Val.
2,425 reviews84 followers
May 12, 2017
Tokelau (territory)
Another book which looks interesting, but is not available anywhere I can find.
1 review
September 16, 2021
Need to read more ..thank you for taking the time and interest on our humble shores writers and researchers.
Profile Image for Suzesmum.
289 reviews6 followers
January 3, 2022
70 + 71 📘📙🇹🇰TOKELAU 🇹🇰 I am always thrilled when I find books that bring together scholars and indigenous people to record ancient stories, lore, traditions and history. I applaud the efforts of anthropologist Judith Huntsman who with ethnomusicologist Allan Thomas and Nukunonu elder Ineleo Tuia have recorded here for the first time in the Tokelau language and English the songs, stories and interviews. Published in 1990 by Victoria University in Wellington, it’s an absolute gem.

Matagi Tokelau is a more comprehensive history of this tiny island nation. Officially consisting of three atolls (Atafu, Nukunonu and Fakaofo), the fourth, Olohega (or Swain’s Island) is administered by American Samoa, it has been administered by New Zealand since 1967 with the Cook Islands and Nuie. Another mammoth effort, this publication was the work of the Tokelau Book Committe, funded by the UN and published by Fiji’s University of the South Pacific’s Institute of Pacific Studies in 1991. I learnt SO much reading these two books. I’m a little sad to leave, but I have Samoa next door on my horizon🏝
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