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  1. Knowing someone as fabulous as me should be the only present you need. Happy Birthday Best Friend!

  2. I love you as much as I hate you for posting bad pictures of me on Instagram. And now it’s my turn coz it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday Bestie!

  3. Happy Birthday to my best friend. Without our conversations, my therapy bills would be outrageous.

  4. You are my best friend, my human diary, and my other half. You mean the world to me and I love you. Happy Birthday!

  5. Dearest Best Friend, may you grow old and rich, so that you can leave me a big inheritance. Happy Birthday!

  6. Cheers to a woman who stays young! (Only because she lies about her age) Best wishes! Happy Birthday Best Friend Forever!

  7. Let's do something stupid together for a lifetime to come. Happy Birthday Buddy!

  8. On your special day, I wish you peace, love, insight, relaxation, fun, knowledge, romance, friendship… and all that stuff that doesn’t cost anything. Happy Birthday Buddy!

  9. Just imagine the things you’d want to hear on your birthday and assume I said them. I am lazy but I love you. Happy Birthday Best Friend!

  10. Two tips for your birthday: 1. Forget the past, you can't change it. 2. Forget the present, I didn't get you one! Happy Birthday Dear Friend.