


Netbus is a software program for remotely controlling a computer over a network, typically used for malicious purposes such as hacking. It was originally intended as a legitimate tool for network administration, but is frequently used as a trojan horse to gain unauthorized access. The program can control nearly all aspects of the remote computer, including viewing files, running applications and even recording keystrokes.


The phonetics of the keyword “Netbus” would be: “Neh-t-buh-s”

Key Takeaways

  1. Netbus is a software program for remotely controlling a Microsoft Windows operating system over a network. It was initially developed for nefarious purposes, especially for unauthorized access to systems, thus falling under the category of Trojan horses.
  2. It works by installing a server on the victim’s machine which the attacker can then manipulate through a separate client application, allowing them to access and modify files, view the screen, manipulate the keyboard and more. This makes it potent for cyber-attacks and breaches of privacy.
  3. While the original Netbus had malicious intent, later versions have emphasized the program’s capacity for honest administrative work and remote access functionality. That being said, it’s important to note its potential misuse can lead to severe security threats.


NetBus is significant in the realm of technology because it is one of the earliest examples of a Remote Administration Tool (RAT). Developed in 1998, NetBus enables users to remotely control computers over a network or the internet. It was originally created as a proof-of-concept, demonstrating the potential dangers of unprotected networks. It enables tasks like viewing screens, managing files, executing commands, and even manipulating system settings on another computer. Despite its notoriety as a hacking tool, the software highlighted the importance of robust network security measures and also the advantages of being able to administer systems remotely, a functionality that is key to modern systems management and technical support operations.


NetBus is a software program that, although initially presented as a legitimate tool, has often been utilized with malicious intent. The primary purpose of NetBus is to give the user remote access and control over another computer system. This is achieved by installing the NetBus client software on one computer, and the server software on the machine to be controlled. Once this has been done, the user with the client software can execute various commands on the server machine, including keylogging, screenshot taking, opening and closing CD-ROM trays, and more. NetBus has been frequently used for malicious purposes due to the robust functionality it provides for controlling another system remotely. An unscrupulous person can install it invisibly on a victim’s machine and subsequently gain access to files, personal data, and can even control their hardware peripherals. Since NetBus operates over a network, the attacker could be anywhere in the world. Therefore, its usage often falls into categories such as cyber espionage, data theft, and other cybercrime activities. Despite its notable negative usage, NetBus could potentially be used for legitimate purposes, such as providing remote technical support or administrating a network of computers.


NetBus is a software program for remotely controlling a Windows computer system. It was originally developed for malicious intent, or “cracking,” and is considered “Trojan horse” software. Here are three real world examples related to this term:1. Computer Hacking: A hacker might use NetBus to gain unauthorized access to someone else’s computer. They could download, upload or delete files, manipulate the system settings, view the user’s keystrokes, take control of the mouse and monitor the user’s actions.2. Parental Control: In a more ethical application, a parent might use a version of NetBus to monitor their child’s online activities. They could check what websites the child is visiting, what they are typing, and even control which applications the child can use.3. Workplace Monitoring: Employers might use NetBus or similar software to keep track of their employees’ computer usage at work. It could be used to troubleshoot technical problems, prevent unauthorized internet browsing, or maintain records of work activities.While the uses in examples 2 and 3 could be considered ethical in some situations, it’s important to note that any use of NetBus without the user’s consent is illegal and unethical. It is fundamental to respect privacy and confidentiality rules when dealing with such programs.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Sure, here you go:**Q1: What is Netbus?**A1: Netbus is a software program for remotely controlling a Microsoft Windows computer system over a network. It was originally designed as a helpful tool, but it has gained notoriety as a powerful trojan horse that, when installed without consent, can allow malicious users to control your system.**2: Who created Netbus?**A2: Netbus was created by Carl-Fredrik Neikter, a Swedish developer who designed the software in 1998.**Q3: How does Netbus work?**A3: Netbus operates as a client-server system. The server can be installed on a target machine which can then be controlled by the client machine. This allows users to perform a variety of actions remotely, including keystroke logging, opening and closing CD-ROM drives, and more.**Q4: Is Netbus harmful?**A4: Netbus is not harmful in and of itself; it’s simply a tool. However, if used maliciously or installed on your system without your consent, it can be used to exploit your computer. Always ensure that your anti-malware software is up-to-date to protect against such threats.**Q5: How was Netbus commonly spread?**A5: In many cases, Netbus was hidden inside another seemingly harmless program or attached to an email. Unsuspecting individuals running the infected program could inadvertently install the Netbus server on their system, opening themselves up to exploitation.**Q6: How can I protect myself from Netbus and similar software?**A6: Maintain updated anti-virus or anti-malware software, don’t open suspicious emails or attachments, and avoid downloading unknown software from the internet. Ensure that your operating system and all your software applications are routinely updated with the latest patches.**Q7: Can Netbus be removed if installed?**A7: Yes, most modern anti-virus or anti-malware programs can detect and remove Netbus. Again, always ensure your security software is kept up-to-date to defend against the latest known threats.**Q8: Is Netbus still in use today?**A8: While the use of Netbus has declined since its heyday in the late 90s and early 2000s, variants and similar technology may still exist today. Always ensure your computer is protected from remote-access trojans which can be just as harmful.

Related Tech Terms

  • Trojan Horse
  • Remote Administration Tool (RAT)
  • Cybersecurity
  • Network Information
  • Hacking

Sources for More Information


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