Sonam Kapoor's Sari-Jeans Are Revolutionary If You Want To Wear Saris But Are A Graceless Klutz

    Also, fashion designer Masaba Gupta is a goddamn genius.

    Sonam Kapoor wore a denim-crop top with a sari because she's got no time for wearing saris like regular people. Also, let me inform you that the denim blouse is not the most edgy thing about this ensemble.

    The most edgy thing is the part where this sari STOPS BEING A SARI AND METAMORPHOSES INTO PANTS. It becomes a trousari. A denim sarpant. You can tell my mind is blown to smithereens by Masaba Gupta's genius invention.

    There are no pleats to trip on. You don't need a cluster of safety pins to keep this together. You can wear it with brogues or oxfords, and pretend to be more polished than your actual, IRL self.

    Masaba has sorted us out with this amazing sari hack and Sonam has been her gorgeous self in showing us how to work the hell out of this denim sari pant.