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Border Collie


The Border Collie was developed over a hundred years ago and even though it is a relatively young breed, there is no concrete data on its origin. It so happened that their ancestors were already herding since the second half of the 16th century. And it is precisely this functional characteristic that resulted in the development of this breed: through mating between specimens with better performance for specific functions, without so much concern for their physical type.


Country of Origin: Great  Brittany.

GENERAL APPEARANCE L :  Well proportioned, with a smooth contour showing quality, grace and perfect balance, combined with enough substance to give an impression of resistance. Any tendency towards rusticity or weakness is undesirable.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS :  Skull and snout are approximately the same length. • Trunk slightly longer than shoulder height.


BEHAVIOR  AND  TEMPERAMENT:  Tenacious, works hard and with great sociability. Insightful, alert, receptive and intelligent. Never nervous or aggressive.



skull :  Fairly wide; occiput not pronounced.


Stop:  Well marked.



Truffle :  Black, except for brown or chocolate colored specimens, in which it may be brown. In blues, the truffle can be slate colored. Well-developed nostrils.

Muzzle :  Tapering to the nose, moderately short and strong

Jaws and Teeth :  Strong teeth and jaws, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite.

eyes :  Set well apart, oval in shape and medium in size; brown, except in merles, where one, both eyes, or only part of one or both eyes may be blue. Expression sweet, penetrating, alert and intelligent.

Ears :  Of medium texture and size, set well apart. Shutters erect or semi-erect and attentive to the slightest noise.

NECK :  Of good length, strong and muscular, slightly arched and widening towards the shoulders


Top Line:  Athletic looking. It is slightly longer than the height at the withers.


Loin : Deep and muscular, but not tucked up.


chest :  Deep and quite wide; ribs well sprung.

TAIL:  Moderately long, with the last vertebra reaching at least to the hocks; low insertion; well furnished with hair and with the tip curved upwards, completing the graceful contour and balance of the dog. The tail may be raised in a state of excitement, never carried over the back.




PREVIOUS :  Parallel legs when viewed from the front; strong bone without being heavy.

Shoulders :  Well leaned back.

Elbows :  close to the body


Paws :  ovals; thick, strong and healthy plantar pads; fingers arched and together. Short, strong nails.


HINDQUARTERS :  Broad, muscular; seen in profile, the croup is gracefully sloping towards the root of the tail.

Thighs :  Long, deep and muscular.

Knees :  Well angled.

Hocks :  Strong and well let down.

Paws :  ovals; thick, strong and healthy plantar pads; fingers arched and together. Short, strong nails.

DRIVE :  Free, smooth and tireless, with minimal lifting of the paws, giving the impression of being able to move with great caution and speed.


  • COAT


By :  Two varieties: moderately long and smooth. In both, the topcoat is dense and of medium texture, the undercoat is soft and dense, providing good weather protection. In the moderately long-coated variety, the abundance of hair forms a mane, breeches and brush. On the face, ears, forequarters (except for fringes) and hindquarters from hock to ground, the coat should be short and smooth.



Variety of colors is allowed. White should never be predominant.

SIZE : Males: 53 cm

            Females: slightly smaller

  • FAULTS  


Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.  and on their ability to perform their traditional work.



• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.

•Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.



• Males must present both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.

• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.

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