Canary Island

June 22, 2023

Recently, more than 30 migrants are feared dead after a small boat headed for Spain's Canary Islands sank.

About Canary Island:

  • It is an archipelago located in the Atlantic Ocean
  • It is about 1300 km South of mainland Spain and 115 km West of the African coast (Morocco).
  • The Canaries comprise the Spanish provincias (provinces) of Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 
  • These Islands were formed by volcanic eruptions millions of years ago. 
  • Climatic condition: They have a subtropical climate. Temperatures are warm and show little seasonal variation.
  • It has rich volcanic soils and mild temperatures that support a wide variety of vegetation that generally follows a zonal arrangement based on elevation.

What is an archipelago?

  • An archipelago is a term used to describe a group or chain of islands that are closely scattered in a body of water, such as a sea, ocean, lake, or river.
  • These islands are typically formed through geological processes such as volcanic activity, tectonic movements, or the accumulation of sediment.