Dec 16, 2023

​10 yoga asanas effective for your lower body

Shivani Dhar

​These yoga asanas are effective for lower body

Strength comes when yoga becomes your path to wellness. Nothing can balance your body and calm your mind other than yoga. Everyday yoga is a therapy for your mind, body, and soul. Tap to learn 10 yoga asanas effective for your lower body.



This yoga asana strengthens the quadriceps, calves, hamstrings, and legs. It is highly effective for your lower body as it helps in aligning knees, legs, and feet. When your right foot is forward your knee it bent and your left leg is straight with arms lifted overhead, your lower body muscles become stronger.



Malasana is also known as a yogi squat. As you squat down pressing your elbows inside your knees, malasana makes your lower body stronger. Holding squats keeps your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles strong. It helps in strengthening pelvic floor muscles. Practicing this yoga asana every day prevents you from knee joint problems.



Also known as the chair pose., utkatasana strengthens your lower body muscles effectively. Bending knees in this pose and holding the posture with arms raised strengthens the lower abdomen and improves flexibility in the knees.



Another effective yoga asana to strengthen your lower body is anjaneyasana. As you perform this asana, you sit down in a plank position stepping one foot forward forming a 90-degree angle, and raising and joining arms backward, this yoga pose reduces tightness in hips and improves mobility in inner thigh muscles.


​Setu bandhasana

This is one of the most effective yoga postures to strengthen your legs, hips, spine, and waist. This asana gives quick relief from back pain. It improves spinal flexibility and releases tension in the hips. Lying on your back lifting your hips and holding the posture straight tones your lower body muscles.


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​Pigeon Pose (Eka pada rajakapotasana)

This asana stretches groins and outer thighs. It increases flexibility in the hips deeply. This yoga pose increases blood flow in the pelvic area. It is good for your lower abdomen.


​Tree pose (Vrksasana)

One of the most challenging asanas is vrkasana. It is a standing yoga pose balancing on one leg. This asana has a plethora of benefits for the lower body. Your entire body is stretched as you perform this asana. It strengthens your calves, thighs, and ankles.


​Viparita Asana

This asana helps in reducing fluid retention in the legs. This pose reduces muscle cramps and relieves tensions in the hamstrings. This legs-up-the-wall pose relaxes your overall lower body fatigue. Stretching legs up the wall improves blood flow.



This yoga asana gives your back an intense stretch. This standing forward bend pose loosens tight hamstrings and strengthens the spine. This pose aids in indigestion problems. It lengthens the hamstring muscles.


​ Adho mukha asana

This is an inverted V-shaped pose. As you lift your hips upward and backward in this asana, your hamstring muscles are stretched. Holding this pose relieves pressure from the lower back.


Yoga is essential for your overall well-being. It helps in destressing and stretching your muscles. Tap to learn 10 yoga asanas effective for your lower body.

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