Tag Archives: February Baby Sweater

February Baby Sweater Pix, and Tag!

Yesterday I promised pictures; today I deliver! Here’s the finished sweater. Note how the purlwise bind off on the right side makes the edge look so nicely finished.

oh baby

And here are the buttons. I love little Miss Mouse! The pinks are perfect together.


February Baby Sweater from Knitter’s Almanac, by Elizabeth Zimmermann. Two and a partial balls of Sublime Baby Cashmere merino silk dk, size 6 needles.

Other than the previously mentioned “read ahead” issues, I’m pretty pleased with how this turned out.

I’m not sure the yarn was a perfect choice; I was really looking for Socks that Rock Heavyweight in their Rose Quartz or Rosebud colorways, but they weren’t available at my LYS, and I was shopping on a deadline for vacation knitting. I fell for this scrumptious pink. The yarn is luscious to work with, soft and springy, although I did tend to have problems with splitting because it’s pretty loosely spun. Also, I didn’t notice when I bought it that it’s hand wash, but I hope the new mom will forgive me because the yarn is so yummy. I can offer to do the washings! It looks and feels great.

While I was on vacation, I was tagged by Susan. I’m just now catching up. The tag rules are as follows:

1. Link to the person who “tagged” you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is up.

Let’s see, six random things:

I’ve been to Paris, once, and would love to go back. I’m a terrible swimmer, and am afraid of large expanses of water (but had a lovely vacation despite that). I love Tudor history. I eat the same thing for breakfast nearly every day: toasted english muffin with peanut butter. I love to sing, mostly folkie stuff. And last but not least, I worked for five summers in an Alaskan salmon cannery on Kodiak Island to pay for college.

I think I’ll tag Marie, Kate, DogKnitty, Michelle, Lorajean, and TheLumpySweater.

February Baby in Seattle

I took the train to Seattle for the weekend. One of the Piano Babes is moving to Shanghai for two years, and we wanted to have a reunion before she departs. The Piano Babes have been friends since 2000, when we met at Sonata, a piano camp for adults. We live up and down the West Coast, and Seattle was a good meeting place.

I had *a lot* of time to knit on the train on Friday. We were delayed for five hours because a freight train further north hit a person who chose to commit suicide by train. She must have been a very disturbed person. So sad. But it completely discombobulated north-south train traffic for the whole day.

I finished the second sleeve of the February Baby Sweater while we were delayed. As soon as I finished it, I realized that I had made a grievous error and knit it out of the stitches for the back. During one phone conversation with The Husband, he asked if the baby had already been born.

“Yes, I’m taking dinner to the family on Tuesday.”

“Well, does she have an arm in the middle of her back?”

Such a card, he is.

But I had plenty of time to rip out the sleeve, and re-knit it. And work a good deal of the body after that. I finished the knitting on the train home, which arrived 15 minutes early. I’ll post pictures tomorrow after I have some daylight to take them!

In the meantime, here are some thoughts on this pattern: This was like that quiz in high school, where there’s a full sheet of instructions. The first instruction tells you to read the whole page first, and you never do. The last instruction is to put your name on the top of the page, ignore the rest of the instructions, and turn in the quiz. The pattern didn’t say to read the whole thing through first, but I should have! I read far enough to know that I had to pay attention to starting the buttonholes, which aren’t mentioned until well into the pattern, long after the first one should have been made. But I didn’t go to the end. The sleeves are made and bound off before working the body. At the end of the body, it says to bind off purlwise, which looks great. But I had already bound off the sleeves knitwise. Since purlwise looked better, I went back and tinked the bind off on the sleeves and reknit (repurled? or just purled, because I hadn’t purled them before) them. I could have left them, but I can’t stand to have things not match. I’ve made this sweater before, about 10 years ago, so I didn’t really remember much about it, other than I liked it. I think I’ll leave myself notes in my book this time!

Some pictures from Seattle:


We spent some time at Pike Street Market on Saturday. It was really busy because it was the weekend, and a beautiful day. There were lots of street musicians, but this one was my favorite, just for sheer novelty value. He’s playing the harmonica, and the guitar, balancing another guitar on his chin? forehead? and managing two hula hoops.


We bought some sea scallops here for dinner. They were delicious, seared on the grill. We also had fresh heirloom tomatoes and basil in a caprese salad, and sauteed green and purple beans and peppers.


These looked great, too, but I’ve developed an allergy to crab, so it’s an unrequited longing…


The flowers at the market are gorgeous, and I had to buy some. When we met up with the rest of the Babes, I found that I wasn’t the only one who had succumbed.


This cruise ship was in port. Quite a contrast with the cruise I was on last week!


We even played some piano this weekend, and some Rock Band, too. I played this Adagio by Franz Joseph Haydn (Sonata No. 48, Hob. XVI/35) among other things. I recorded this a few weeks ago for the Adult Beginner Forum’s quarterly online recital on PianoWorld.com. The recital went live while I was on vacation; I thought it was amusing to be in a piano recital when I was nowhere near a piano!

Vacation Knitting

I’m sure I’m not the only one who plans vacation knitting before packing clothes, right? We were away last week, and I chose three small projects to take with me: the pink February baby sweater, the hyacinth toe-up socks, and some i-cord tote handles. Unfortunately, in the wee hours of packing for a week-long all carry-on luggage trip, I had to jettison the toe up sock and in the process somehow forgot to bring the rest of the pink yarn. 2 a.m. is not a good time to finish packing.

It was a great trip! We were on a family trip with the extended family, sailing the British Virgin Islands on a 65 foot catamaran. It was the 10 of us and a crew of three: captain, chef, and hostess. Here’s our home away from home:


At first I was afraid that the menu would be a lot of this:


But we all found our sea legs and it was fine. Having a chef on board meant that we weren’t roughing it!


Here’s the beginning of the February Baby sweater (I wrote my previous post before I left, and posted it via cell phone on Tuesday):


A bit breezy back there! I made it almost through the first sleeve (I’m on the garter edge), and that’s when I realized that I didn’t have the second ball of yarn. Oops. That’s Guana Island in the background of the picture below; there’s a very nice beach there with beautiful shells, but lots of jellyfish in the water. We were the only people there that day.



Guana Island is named for this rock formation, which looks like an iguana:


I finished all the yarn for the tote handles, too, leaving me with NOTHING more to knit.


Somehow, I managed. Here is some wildlife from Norman Island:



It was an amazing week, with lots of face time with family. We were celebrating MIL’s birthday; it was a trip she’d wanted to do for years. The trip of a lifetime!


Think Pink!


Jackie is expecting a baby girl at the end of the month, and I’m pumped to knit something PINK. There are a lot of boys in my world, but not many little girls, so pink it shall be. I’m planning to knit the February Baby Sweater from Elizabeth Zimmermann’s Knitter’s Almanac, the inspiration for the February Lady sweater that I’m knitting for me. Yes, gull wing lace is firmly ingrained in my memory now; I might as well make the most of it! The yarn is Sublime baby cashmere merino silk dk, and it’s soooooo soft. And it’s machine washable. Winner!