2 min readJul 31, 2023


Azolla Cultivation for Livestock Feed

As the global population continues to grow, the demand for animal feed, is increasing. Animal feed and fodder are crucial inputs for the dairy and poultry industries. Traditional food sources are facing challenges. We need to address agriculture practices, rising costs and environmental concerns.

Azolla, a small aquatic wonder fern, emerged as a sustainable and profitable solution. for protein production for livestock. Azolla cultivation offers many benefits.

This comprehensive guide will explore the potential of Azolla farming. Highlight a step-by-step approach to cultivate and use Azolla as livestock feed.

What is Azolla?

Discover the Wonder Fern: Azolla

Azolla is an aquatic fern with a slender, branched, floating. Each leaf consists of a dense aerial dorsal lobe containing green chlorophyll. It has a larger, thin, colorless, floating ventral lobe. Upon initial inspection, the fern resembles floating moss. The roots of Azolla are slender and hang in the water beneath the foliage.

Azolla: A Remarkable Aquatic Fern

In the family Salviria, the marvel Azolla fern is a genus of seven distinct species. It is a fast-growing plant with the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Mainly due its symbiotic relationship with the cyanobacterium Anabaena azollae. This makes Azolla an excellent biofertilizer. Also an ideal protein source for livestock feed.

Also Known as- mosquito fern, water fern, fairy moss and duckweed fern.

Unveiling Azolla: A Comprehensive Guide from Start to Finish

Discover the wonders of Azolla in this insightful video that takes you on a journey. Learn how to cultivate Azolla at home or on the farm, Understand from start to finish its uses and benefits. Explore the step-by-step process of harvesting Azolla for cattle feed and chicken feed. Whether you’re an agricultural enthusiast or a nature lover, this guide will amaze you. Watch now and embrace the green revolution!

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