Global Warming and its Effect on Humans

Edun Iyanuloluwa Toluwani
3 min readJul 13, 2023

Over time, the earth’s atmospheric temperature has increased and the term used to describe this gradual increase in temperature is known as "Global Warming".

What exactly is Global Warming?

Global warming is a universal phenomenon that refers to the gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere which is usually ascribed to the release of greenhouse gases when people burn fossil fuels. These greenhouse gases include Carbon dioxide (CO2), Water vapour (H2O), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Ozone(O3), Methane (CH4) and Chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs).

Causes of Global Warming

There are several activities that lead to global warming, some of which are;
1. Power generation
2. Deforestation
3. Food Production
4. Transportation

1. Power Generation: in the quest of generating power, fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas are burnt, leading to emission of dangerous gases which cause damage to the ozone layer.
2. Deforestation: this best refers to the large-scale process of removing or destroying trees from forests or other land areas for the facilitation of human activities.
Trees and other vegetation normally absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, hence, when they are cut down, they release all the carbon dioxide they have been storing back into the atmosphere. Destruction of these trees thereby, limit the ability of nature to keep dangerous emissions out of the atmosphere.
3. Food production: energy is needed to provide food and it is usually required in the form of fossil fuels so as to run farm equipments.
Growing crops can also cause emissions when fertilizers and manure are used on them. Farm animals like cattle produce methane as well which is a greenhouse gas. These gases can also be released during the packaging and distribution of food products.
4. Transportation: most vehicles (cars, trucks, ships, planes,etc.) work using fossil fuels such as kerosene, diesel and gasoline, and these fuels all release a greenhouse gas called carbon dioxide. Currently, road vehicles account for the largest production of greenhouse gases, but emissions from ships and planes are on the increase.

Effects of Global Warming

Due to the rise in temperature, weather patterns have changed and the usual balance of nature has been disrupted.
The increase in temperature has led to heat-related illnesses and can also make working and moving around difficult. In addition, wildfires starts more easily and spreads more rapidly in hotter conditions.
These changes in temperature also cause changes in rainfall, resulting in frequent and more severe storms, leading to flooding and land slides, which destroys homes and communities.
Water bodies like the Ocean sucks up most of the heat from global warming, this action causes ice sheets to melt and raises the sea level as well, threatening coastal and island communities.
Global Warming also increases the factors that keep people in poverty. Tragic occurrences such as flood may sweep away urban slums, destroying homes and livelihoods. The increased temperature can also make it difficult to perform outdoor jobs.

How to Tackle Global Warming

With the current state of things in relation to our climate, everyone can and should therefore make efforts to limit climate change. We can start by adhering to the following:
It is advisable to save energy at home by switching to LED lights and energy-efficient electric appliances, washing laundry with cold water or hanging things to dry instead of using a dryer.
Walking or cycling instead of driving will reduce the emission of greenhouse gases as most vehicles are the chief producers of these dangerous gases.
In addition, if the source of your home energy comes from fuel, try to switch to renewable sources such as solar. Solar panels can be installed on your roof to generate energy for your home.
We should also learn to avoid wastage because, when food is thrown away, the resources and energy that were used to grow, package and transport it will also be wasted.
Afforestation, which is the process of planting trees in an area that previously had no tree cover should be encouraged, as it helps to fight Global Warming and Climate Change in general.

It is actually impossible to undo the damage, but it is possible to stop further harm, so let us all make efforts to save the earth. Remember, "Save the Earth, Save Yourselves".

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Edun Iyanuloluwa Toluwani

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