Adding OpenWrt support for Xiaomi AX3600 (Part 1)

That's great to hear!

Btw, for anyone else out there trying to 'debrick' and also fix the partitioning scheme, I found this earlier:

To summarise, it appears the following will do it (it appears to erase the existing partitions and then recreate them with the official offsets/sizes), it needs to be done from U-Boot and then you boot initramfs / tftpboot to write the proper firmware using ubiformat:

nand erase 0xa00000 0x23c0000
nand erase 0x2dc0000 0x8000000
nand write 0x44000000 0x2dc0000 0x1e00000
nand write 0x44000000 0xa00000 0x1e00000