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Biography, genealogy and origin of the celebrity antara mali

What is the date of birth of antara mali?

Antara Mali was born on July 1, 1975.

celebrity antara mali

Learn more about the celebrity antara mali

What is the origin of antara mali's fame?

Antara Mali rose to fame in the early 2000s as an Indian actress known for her unconventional and bold roles in Bollywood films. She made her acting debut in the critically acclaimed film "Dhoondte Reh Jaaoge" in 1998, but it was her performance in the cult classic film "Company" in 2002 that established her as a talented and versatile actress. Antara Mali was praised for her portrayal of the feisty and independent character of Kannu in the film, which earned her widespread recognition and critical acclaim. She continued to push boundaries with her roles in films like "Naach" and "Main Madhuri Dixit Banna Chahti Hoon," solidifying her reputation as a fearless and talented actress in the Indian film industry.

Biography of antara mali

Antara Mali is an Indian actress, director, and screenwriter known for her work in Hindi cinema. Born on July 1, 1975, in Mumbai, India, she is the daughter of acclaimed Indian photographer Jagdish Mali. Antara made her acting debut in the 1998 film "Dhoondte Reh Jaaoge" and quickly gained recognition for her unconventional roles and bold performances in films like "Company", "Road" and "Main Madhuri Dixit Banna Chahti Hoon". In 2003, she made her directorial debut with the film "Mr. Ya Miss", in which she also starred. Antara's unique style and fearless approach to her craft have earned her a dedicated fan following and critical acclaim. Despite taking a break from acting in recent years, Antara continues to be regarded as a trailblazer in Indian cinema for her contributions to independent and offbeat films.

Genealogical research regarding the celebrity antara mali

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