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World Environment Day!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Alright, buckle up, inquisitive readers, because we’ve got an awesome story to tell you about the World Environment Day! It’s like a big party for Mother Nature, where everyone gets together to celebrate and learn about how to take care of our amazing planet. So grab your snacks and get ready for some wild facts!

Now, this special day happens every year on June 5th, and it’s like Earth’s birthday bash. This year, it’s going to be super cool because we’ve got a theme that’s out of this world! Are you ready? It’s all about “Ecosystem Restoration.” Woohoo! We’re talking about giving nature a makeover and making it look fabulous!

Important Details

  • But wait, what’s an ecosystem? Well, it’s like a fancy club where different plants, animals, and insects hang out together. They all have their own jobs, like some plants make oxygen for us to breathe, and some animals help spread seeds to grow more plants. It’s a teamwork extravaganza!
  • Now, imagine if this club got a little messy. Like, the plants are sad, the animals are grumpy, and nobody’s having a good time. That’s where ecosystem restoration comes in! It’s like cleaning up the party and making everything awesome again.
  • So, on World Environment Day, people from all around the globe come up with cool ideas to restore the ecosystems. They plant trees, clean up rivers, and create homes for animals. It’s like giving the planet a big, warm hug!
  • But hey, it’s not just the grown-ups having all the fun. You, my little friends, can join in too! You can help by picking up trash in your neighborhood, planting flowers, or even starting a compost bin for leftover veggies. Every small action counts!
  • And guess what? There are fun activities happening everywhere! Schools organize nature walks, where you can explore the wonders of plants and animals. You might even get to meet some real-life superheroes like conservationists and scientists who are saving the day for our planet.
  • So, my awesome readers, get ready to celebrate the 2023 World Environment Day like the Earth champions you are! Remember, when we take care of our planet, it takes care of us.
  • Now, who’s ready to put on their superhero capes and go save the world? Let’s do this!
  • Did you check our My Expressions to see how other students are celebrating World Environment Day on Curious Times?

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Comments: 2
  1. suryassangyinichaudhary says:


  2. k_curious1 says:

    Happy World Environment Day to Curious times ,familys ,students , teachers , and whole World 🌍 🌏🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍

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