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Last Updated: Tuesday November 24 2009 14:17 GMT

3D street art breaks world record

Edgar Mueller and his street painting

Street artist Edgar Mueller has broken a new Guinness World Record after creating the world's biggest 3D pavement art. It looks like he's about to fall off the edge of this ice shelf!

Edgar Mueller and his street painting

Edgar is presented with his record breaking certificate. His painting in west London is the biggest of its kind ever!

Edgar Mueller paints an ice crevasse in Ireland

Edgar has been painting street art since he was 16 - including this ice crevasse in Ireland earlier this year. He looks like he's floating over it!

Banksy art on wall between Israel and Palestine

Lots of other artists do street paintings in 3D like this one by British painter Banksy. He drew it on a big wall between Israel and Palestine.

Banksy art on wall in Bristol

Here's another Banksy picture on the side of a house in Bristol. The picture makes it look like there's a real window in the wall.