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From Heaven Lake is the story of his remarkable journey and his encounters with nomadic Muslims, Chinese officials, Buddhists and others. From the Back Cover.
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From Heaven Lake is the story of his remarkable journey and his encounters with nomadic Muslims, Chinese officials, Buddhists and others.
In his travel memoir, From Heaven Lake: Travels Through Sinkiang and Tibet (1983), Vikram Seth chronicles his journey through China to New Delhi via Tibet.
From Heaven Lake: Travels Through Sinkiang and Tibet

From Heaven Lake: Travels Through Sinkiang and Tibet

Book by Vikram Seth
4/5 · Goodreads
After two years as a postgraduate student at Nanjing University in China, Vikram Seth hitch-hiked back to his home in New Delhi, via Tibet.  From Heaven Lake is the story of his remarkable journey and his encounters with nomadic Muslims, Chinese... Google Books
Originally published: 1983
Author: Vikram Seth
Genres: Travel literature and Non-fiction
Nov 11, 2022 · A lovely read with beautiful descriptions of people and places, where we're alongside him all the way, discomfort and all, and rejoice with him when he finally ...
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From Heaven Lake: Travels through Sinkiang & Tibet. Chatto & Windus, 1983. First edition. Hardcover. First edition, very good hardcover shows just a touch ...
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London: Chatto & Windus, 1983. First Edition. Hardcover. After two years as a postgraduate student at Nanjing University in China, Seth hitch-hiked back to ...
Author Name: Vikram Sth ; Publisher: Chatto & Windus the Hogarth Press London ; Publish Year: 1983 ; Total page: 178 ; Summary: From Heaven Lake Travels Through ...
From Heaven Lake is a brilliant, classic account of Vikram Seth's 1981 journey through China when he was a 29 year old student at Nanjing University.
A travelogue of the author's journey in his student days around China to Nepal through Tibet during 1981, a time when travel in the region was heavily policed ...
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From Heaven Lake : Travels Through Sinkiang and Tibet, Seth, Vikram, Very Good Condition Book. Sales Rank : 836481. Publisher : Phoenix. Publication Date : 2001 ...