pregnancies in older women blogs from
Shufu: in Japanese it means “housewife,” and it’s the last thing Tracy Slater ever thought she’d call herself. A writer and academic, Tracy carefully constructed a life she loved in her hometown of Boston.
pregnancies in older women blogs from
This is the complete guide to getting pregnant and improving fertility naturally -- even if you've been told your chances of conception are low.
pregnancies in older women blogs from
If you are looking for a comprehensive pregnancy guide specially for older women then this is the book for you.
pregnancies in older women blogs from
Pregnancy for Older Women is the only book to present a comprehensive scientific analysis of the medical literature, exploring such controversial issues as amniocentesis, the use of cesarean section, and the effect of doctor's assumptions ...
pregnancies in older women blogs from
The Joy of Later Motherhood is the much-needed antidote to all the negative hype surrounding motherhood at advanced maternal age (which is 35+).
pregnancies in older women blogs from
But the book is more than its exercises. Suzy is a 'real mum' who offers encouragement and a compassionate helping hand to all older mothers. Fit for Birth and Beyond is the guide you can trust and use with confidence.
pregnancies in older women blogs from
Although this is an advanced textbook for astrologers, the human element of the case histories is nothing short of inspiring, and from that perspective can be enjoyed by readers with no knowledge of astrology.
pregnancies in older women blogs from
What kinds of women start or add to their families at this stage in life? And what are their experiences? Psychologists Julia Berryman, Karen Thorpe and Kate Windridge carried out unique international research on older mothers.