Sep 17, 2008 · SharpDevelop has a built-in translator between C# and VB.NET. Is not perfect thought (e.g. the optional values in VB.NET doesn't ...
Mar 17, 2010 · What I did is to manually create a new form in VB with the same name as the form in C#, then opened the C# form in design view, made sure that I ...
May 15, 2014 · Roslyn is be able to parse C# code to a node tree, which the extension I use uses to convert the code to VB (see the classes under ...
Dec 30, 2010 · 2 Answers 2 · Good tool! · The best part about Sharpdevelop is it converts the whole project (source files) from VB and C# and the other way.
Dec 10, 2012 · So I started to wonder if the conversion at developerfusion was ever correct. Here is the c# to I am not sure where "Key" is coming from ...
Aug 29, 2010 · I need a C# to VB.NET code converter, and I'm willing to pay. I want something that's ultra convenient, as I want to reduce the amount of copy/paste that I ...
Feb 25, 2012 · I'm developing a program to execute powershell from .net app. I found a sample but it uses c# so I'm changing the code to but I don't know how change ...
Jul 7, 2017 · I have the following code in c# and would like to convert it in VB.NET. I'm not sure what fixed and byte* are and how they can be converted. The ...
May 26, 2012 · Is there a Visual Studio AddOn to convert c# to ? I tried using the websites that do it real quick, but for longer more complicated ...
Aug 22, 2013 · I know there are some online convertors, but those aren't doing their job correctly since the compiler says there are errors/warnings in my code ...