... Ulrich Egert and Thomas Meyer. Introduction. Analyses of cardiac electrical potentials in vivo, such as in the electrocardiogram, are well known to reveal information about system properties of the heart ... Ulrich Egert and Thomas Meyer.
... Ulrich Egert Chapter 11: Thomas Nann, Jürgen Riegeler, Gerald A. Urban Preface Explosive growth in the field of micro system technology Contributing Authors.
... ULRICH EGERT, KATHRIN BANACH, AND THOMAS MEYER. Introduction. The analysis of cardiac electrical potentials through electrocardiograms (ECG) in vivo is a well-known technique to reveal ... Ulrich Egert, Kathrin Banach, and Thomas Meyer.
... Ulrich Egert, University of Freiburg, Germany *Correspondence: J. Nicole Bentley nbentl@uab.edu Introduction: Cognitive symptoms from Parkinson's disease cause severe disability and significantly limit quality of life. Little is known ...
... Ulrich Egert and Carola A. Haas 90 Alterations of Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis in the Hypoplastic Reeler Cerebellum Carolina Cocito, Adalberto Merighi, Mario Giacobini and Laura Lossi 110 Reelin Signaling in the Migration of Ventral ...
... Ulrich Egert , Reutlingen , and Martin Stelzle , Reutlingen , all of Germany , assignors to NMI Naturwissenschaftliches und Medizinisches Institut an der Universitat Tubingen in Reut- lingen , Germany Continuation of application No. PCT ...
... Ulrich Egert , University of Freiburg , Germany Inah Lee , Seoul National University , South Korea * Correspondence : Gregory J. Brewer , Department of Medical Microbiology , Immunology and Cell Biology , Southern Illinois University ...
... Ulrich Egert Max - Planck - Institut für biologische Kybernetik , Spemannstr . 38 , D - 7400 Tübingen , FR Germany Occlusion of one eye during early postnatal development in cats leads to rapid and reliable modifications of the normal ...
... Ulrich ; and Wild , Ernst , 5,197,442 , Cl . 123-520.000 . Blumenstock , Andreas ; Denz , Helmut ; Mezger , Werner ... Egert , Dieter ; and Schellenberg , Gerhard , 5,233,963 , Cl . 123-456.000 . Grein , Nicolas ; and Winner ...