This book, "Integrated Chemical Microsensor Systems in CMOS Technology", provides a comprehensive treatment of the highly interdisciplinary field of CMOS chemical microsensor systems.
This represents one of the first examples of integrated nanomaterials, microtechnology and embedded circuitry. This is the first comprehensive book on microhotplate-based chemical sensor systems in CMOS-technology.
BioCMOS Technologies reviews these exciting recent efforts in joining CMOS technology with biology. CMOS Biotechnology reviews the recent research and developments joining CMOS technology with biology.
This edition provides an important contemporary view of a wide range of analog/digital circuit blocks, the BSIM model, data converter architectures, and more.
This book equips students with a thorough understanding of various types of sensors and biosensors that can be used for chemical, biological, and biomedical applications, including but not limited to temperature sensors, strain sensor, ...
This volume highlights techniques that can be used to effectively combine two of the most essential biological fields - Systems Biology and Synthetic Immunology.
This book focuses on neuro-engineering and neural computing, a multi-disciplinary field of research attracting considerable attention from engineers, neuroscientists, microbiologists and material scientists.